Editorial ArtesMiami presented a poetry collection with more than 100 poems
In December 2019 Editorial ArtesMiami presented a poetry collection with more than 100 poems by 35 Hispanic authors based in Miami, at the Coral Gables Books and Books. The books is available for sale, for $20, at Books & Books or by writing to info@artesmiami.org
The poets of La Floresta Interminable: poetas de Miami gathered at Books and Books
The poets of La Floresta Interminable: poetas de Miami gathered at Books and Books Coral Gables in December 2019 to launch the new poetry collection, edited by Luis de la Paz and published by Editorial ArtesMiami.
ArtesMiami Publishing presented La Floresta Interminable
On December 10, 2019, ArtesMiami Publishing presented La Floresta Interminable, a collection of poems by Miami Hispanic writers, edited by Luis de la Paz, at the Coral Gables Books & Books. The poets appear in the photos with ArtesMiami President Aida Levitan and editor Luis de la Paz, on the extreme right.
The Board of FACE (Facts About Cuban Exiles)
The Board of FACE (Facts About Cuban Exiles) met in March 2020 at República Havas. The Board includes some of Miami's most prominent Cuban-American leaders, including the President of ArtesMiami, Inc., Dr. Aida Levitan (fourth from the right), who chaired the organization last year. The new Chairman is Eddie García, second from the left.
Mucho Mucho Amor: The Legend of Walter Mercado
Kareem Tabsch and Cristina Costantini, directors and Alex Fumero, producer, of Mucho Mucho Amor: The Legend of Walter Mercado, with the late Walter Mercado.
ArtesMiami was the first to sponsor the production of this documentary, the Closing Night Film of the 2020 Miami Film Festival, Presented by ArtesMiami and U.S. Century Bank.
ArtesMiami supports Marti Production's El Club de las Viudas
ArtesMiami invites you to enjoy the very funny comedy El Club de las Viudas on June 29-30 and July 1st, at the Koubek Center, at 8:30 p.m., with fantastic local actors. It has been a sellout every night so get your tickets very soon at:
Aida Levitan and OAS Secretary General to receive award
On October 26 the InterAmerican Institute for Democracy will present awards to OAS Secretary General, Luis Almagro, and to Aida Levitan, Ph.D., President of ArtesMiami. The Henry Dunant Award for Corporate Social Responsibility will be presented to Dr. Levitan at a Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus ceremony. Carlos Alberto Montaner, Chairman of the Institute, praised Dr. Levitan for becoming "an unquestionable champion of the best causes that have made Miami a cosmopolitan and amenable city." He added that "Dr. Levitan is recognized as a pioneering force in inserting corporate social responsibility criteria into business decisions." For information contact alevitan@artesmiami.org
UM Cuban Heritage Collection Tour for Donors
The UM Cuban Heritage Collection (CHC) Amigos Board recognized the donation of the papers and objects collected by José Manuel Cubas, founder of Siboney Advertising. Mercy Cubas, donor of this collection, and other contributors to CHC toured the unique objects of the collection. The CHC Amigos Board of Directors joined the contributors and staff in the tour of these fascinating objects, rare books, videos and historic documents and photos.
If you wish to tour the collection and donate historic documents, books and objects to CHC, please contact alevitan@artesmiami.org.