Links of interest

La Floresta Interminable is the most recent collection of Miami Hispanic poetry

Editorial Ultramar Renamed Editorial ArtesMiami
La Floresta Interminable

Editorial ArtesMiami, a division of the nonprofit ArtesMiami, Inc., directed by Aida Levitan, Ph.D., is proud to present La Floresta Interminable, poetas de Miami. This book includes 169 poems written by 34 South Florida Hispanic poets. Edited by award-winning writer and poet Luis de la Paz, the collection features works by 14 female authors and 20 male authors, originally from seven Latin American countries. The book is for sale at Books & Books and on this site for $20 per book.
Jungle Fables

Jungle Fables/Poemas de la Jungla. published by ArtesMiami's Editorial Ultramar in 2018, is a book that enacts the old conflict of Vice and Virtue, but in poetry rhymes. Felines speak eloquently about the old dilemma; right or wrong? Leopards, lions, elephants, monkeys, panthers and even peacocks are all in search of answers. They might not find them, but their poetic interaction finds us very entertained. The new version of this book includes new sonnets and illustrations by Chilean-American poet-artist Gustavo Novoa. The book can be enjoyed by both children and adults. The books is available for sale for $20 on this website and at Books and Books.
Silence & Fury • By Lilliam Moro • In Spanish

The editorial division of ArtesMiami, Editorial Ultramar, presented in April 2018, the new poetry book by Lilliam Moro, an award-winning Cuban-American poet. El Silencio y la Furia, published by Ultramar in Spanish on March 21st, at 8 p.m., was featured at a reading at the Coral Gables Books and Books, 265 Aragon Avenue. The book is now available for sale at Books and Books, for only $10 and also through this website.

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